Thursday, October 27, 2005

Hello and it's been a pleasure doing business with you.

This guide will walk you through the simple steps of creating your own macros for Guild Wars.

You will need a program called Macro Express, and can download the shareware version from

It is a safe program that has been in use for years with no hidden spy ware attached to it.

With Macro Express, you can record, edit and play back mouse and keyboard macros.

What is a Macro?
A macro is a set of commands that can be played back at will to perform a given task. These tasks can be something simple such as inserting your name and address into a word processor to something more complex such as launching a program, copying data from it, activating another program, pasting the data into it and repeating this several times. Tasks performed by macros are typically repetitive in nature allowing significant savings in time by executing the macro instead of manually repeating the commands.

Step 1:
Start up Guild Wars and once in the game go to an easy District such as Ascalon City, Ruins of Surmia, or Fort Ranik, somewhere you can kill easy Mobs compared to the level your at. Go through a portal and fight your way somewhere into the middle of the map. Once there kill any Mobs within proximately range but leave the others.

Step 2:
Alt tab out of Guild Wars to your desktop and open up Macro Express. On the left-hand side you will see a capture icon click that looks like a camera click this icon. An Add Macro screen will pop up, hold down the Ctrl key and then push the J key. Now click the Capture Macro button. A warning screen will come up and simply click yes to continue. Give your “Ctrl J Macro” a Nickname such as farming test1. Now click Start Capture, A Double Alt Warning screen will pop up, click Ok.

Step 3:
Alt tab back into Guild Wars and hit the tab key to target a Mob, hit the space key to attack it and then the skills keys you want to use, (click your mouse on the screen in several places to get your character moving if there are no targets within range). Heal yourself often if you have the skills. Repeat this 3 times in different combinations.

Step 4:
Hold down the Ctrl key and hit J. A screen will pop up indicating the Capture is complete. Click Ok and alt tab back into Macro Express. Scroll down the list of macros until you see the macro you have just created “ Farming test1” and right mouse click on it. Scroll down to “ edit with Scripting Editor” and left mouse click on this line.

Under commands scroll down to the Repeat icon and left mouse click on it. Click on “ Repeat Start” Now just to the right of this screen are three arrows click on the top one with the blue plus sign. A repeat screen will appear, enter 1000 into the repeat count and click Ok.

Now under commands click the Repeat End; click the bottom arrow with the red plus sign. Do a file save and your Marco is ready to use.

Step 5:
Alt tab back into Guild Wars and hold down the Ctrl key and J key, your macro will start.

To stop your macro at anytime hold down the Scroll lock key and then push the Pause key.

Step 6:
When you have stopped your macro from running simply hold down the Alt key and start collecting the gold coins, dye, and loot left by the Mobs. Use your map to follow your steps backwards.

Step 7 :
Identify every item that is White, Blue, or Purple (Save Gold Items Unidentified
because they sell better to other players as (UNIDENTIFIED). Identifying an item makes the Merchant pay you a higher price. I pick up everything in the zone and go to the vendor and start selling everything that doesn’t interest me. Better items like dye, I sell to other players for extra income.

All the Best
